• 6th Floor, International Congress Center, Payambaran Hospital, Abazar Bvd, Tehran, Iran
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Iranian Neuro-Oncology Group


  • 2nd Neuro-Oncology Seminar (Jan 28, 2022)

    The 2nd neuro-oncology seminar was held at Payambaran hospital on Jan 28, 2022. Over 120 clinicians and scientists with different disciplines gathered together and shared their experiences. there were three panels on intra-axial brain tumors, neuro-oncology emergencies, and skull base tumors. We were honored to have a teleconference with our colleagues from Italy. We would like to thank Behestan Daru (MSD) to be the sponsor of the event.


  • Neuro-Oncology Seminar (Sep 2021)

    The neuro-oncology seminar was held on 24th Sep 2021 with near 100 participants from different universities over the country. We had also a special guest, professor Ghadirpoor from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
    in this seminar different aspects of neurooncology focusing on gliomas, skull base tumors, and metastases were discussed.



  • Neuro-Oncology Webi-Seminar

    The neuro-oncology seminar was held on 24th Sep 2021 with near 100 participants from different universities over the country. We had also a special guest, professor Ghadirpoor from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
    in this seminar different aspects of neurooncology focusing on gliomas, skull base tumors, and metastases were discussed.






  • Notable Iranian Professors

    In this section, we introduce outstanding professors who have worked in the field of neuro-oncology.


    Statement on the passing of Professor Karim Hadadian

    Iranian Neurosurgical Community is saddened by the recent passing of the former director of the neurosurgery program at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU). Professor Karim Hadadian founded the Neurosurgery program at SBMU in 1980 and was the director until his retirement in 2014. He had made a deep impression on the people that had the privilege of knowing him. Our warmest thoughts and deepest condolences are with his family. God bless him.

    Amin Jahanbakhshi

    11 March 2022

    امین جهان بخشی:

     با کمال تاسف امروز خبر درگذشت استاد بزرگ جراحی اعصاب آقای پروفسور کریم حدادیان را شنیدیم. ایشان بنیانگذار گروه جراحی اعصاب دانشگاه شهید بهشتی بودند که اساتید بسیاری را تربیت کردند. ایشان همچنین بنیانگذار زیر شاخه های فانکشنال و اطفال بودند و به خصوص در زمینه اسپاستیسیتی، بسیار فعالیت کردند.

    همیشه افتخار می کنم که در کنار اساتیدی نفس کشیدم که ستاره های تکرار نشدنی تاریخ پزشکی ایران هستند. افرادی مثل پروفسور یلدا و دکتر عبدالوهاب در دوران پزشکی عمومی و پروفسور حدادیان در دوران رزیدنتی که اکنون در بین ما نیستند. و همینطور استاد مازیار آذر که اکنون توفیق کار کردن در کنار ایشان را دارم و آرزوی عمر طولانی برایشان دارم. نقطه مشترک این افراد ترکیب علم و اخلاق و پرهیز از انحصار طلبی و میل درونی به پرورش و رشد شاگردانشان با خرج عمر، علم و حتی آبرویشان است. این ترکیب کمیاب، از ایشان اسطوره های تکرار نشدنی می سازد.

    در ادامه بخشی از زندگینامه استاد حدادیان به قلم و دستخط خودشان تقدیم می شود. یادشان گرامی و روحشان شاد:


    "در سال 46 از دانشکده پزشکی تهران فارغ التحصیل شدم. پس از دو سال خدمت در سال 49 به عنوان رزیدنت (اولین دوره رزیدنتی) جراحی اعصاب مشغول کار و آموزش در بخش جراحی بیمارستان سینا، تحت ریاست آقای پروفسور آملی مشغول شدم. در دوره رزیدنتی به مدت 2 سال بعد از ظهر ها در مطب آقای پروفسور عاملی مشغول و آموزش دیدم. طی دوره رزیدنتی در محضر آقای دکتر صالح، آقای پروفسور عاملی و پروفسور سمیعی استفاده بردم. در سال 53 فارغ التحصیل شدم و در گروه جراحی شاگرد اول شدم. در بهمن ماه 53 به دعوت آقای دکتر ادیب یزدی در دانشگاه ملی سابق بخش جراحی را با مساعدت ایشان پایه گذاری کردیم.

    در سال 55 به فرانسه اعزام شدم و در دانشگاه مونپلیه در بخش جراحی اعصاب تحت ریاست پروفسور GROS مشغول آموزش شدم. پس از 6 ماه به عنوان آسیستان وارد کلینیک و در امر آموزش دانشجویان آن دانشگاه شرکت داشتم. طی 3 سال اقامت در فرانسه، در جراحی فونکسیونل و پدیاتریک تجربیاتی کسب کردم و توانستم گواهینامه ناسیونال فرانسه را در الکتروآنسفالوگرافی کلینیک اخذ کنم. در سال 58 به ایران برگشتم. در سال 59 به عنوان رییس بخش جراحی اعصاب انتخاب شدم و گروه جراحی اعصاب دانشگاه شهید بهشتی را تشکیل دادیم و به عنوان مدیر گروه انتخاب شدم."



    Professor Peiman Haddad

    was one of the greats in the field of radiation oncology in Iran. His scientific and ethical approach to almost every aspect of practicing medicine, educating young oncologists, and doing research work had made him so outstanding that his recent sudden death caused deep sorrow to everyone and irreparable damage to the oncology in Iran.

    As a professor of radiation oncology at Cancer Institute, Tehran University of Medical Science, and the director of radiation oncology research center as well, he conducted many remarkable articles in various fields of oncology, including neuro-oncology. Besides having a significant role in performing research and being a competent physician, he was also well known for humility and honesty among his colleagues and residents.

    During his 60-year-old life, he treated many people with cancer and trained capable students in the field of oncology. His absence is a great loss not only for his patients but also for all the young oncologists who have benefited greatly from his guidance and support.


    Written by Dr. Sara Soltanzadeh MD. Radiation oncologist


    Prof. Ali Fakhr Tabatabaei

    is among the most famous neurosurgeons who has played a pivotal role in the foundation of current modern neurosurgery and neuro-oncology practice in Iran.

    The provided link is a paper written by Dr. Hussain Khan and Dr. Zeinalizadeh which is a thorough introduction to Prof Fakhr Tabatabaei:


  • Group Meetings

    There have been several meetings held in Rasool Akram Hospital. Through these meetings, experts from different disciplines, share their ideas and experiences.














  • Neuro-Oncology Symposium

    The last event performed before the resurgence of COVID in our country was a hybrid virtual and physical symposium through which many difficult brain tumor cases were discussed.


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